First market stall ... completed it mate! - Utter tutt

First market stall ... completed it mate!

There is something truly exhilarating about taking your creative endeavours to the public and witnessing their reaction firsthand. As a small business owners, we had always dreamt of showcasing our artwork at a bustling market, surrounded by fellow artisans and enthusiastic patrons. Our dream became a reality when we recently set up our very first market stall selling our prints at the renowned UWA Perth UpMarket.

UWA Perth Up Market is a popular event that brings together artists, designers, and artisans from Western Australia. Held at the picturesque University of Western Australia, the market provides a vibrant platform for showcasing creative works. With a diverse audience ranging from art enthusiasts to families and tourists, it was the perfect opportunity for emerging businesses, like ours, to connect with the local community.

Despite a few set up hick ups, namely, running out of time before the market opened, getting a flat tire on the way there, AND forgetting the shelves needed to showcase our framed prints on the portable walls we built, the day was INCREDIBLE. 

The response we received was overwhelming. People truly loved our prints, shared their favourites, and inquired about upcoming print drops/ new products, which was amazing to see. 

Hosting our first market stall marked an important milestone in our growing business journey and the support and enthusiasm from patrons and followers really did validate the reasons why we began creating our pieces in the first place; because simply your decor should bring you joy and reflect your personality.  Colourful decor and prints have the power to uplift and transform a space, creating an inviting and lively atmosphere and add a vibrant touch to our everyday lives. Concurring this milestone It has inspired us to continue sharing our art and homewares with the world, and we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.

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